Friday, February 12, 2016

"The Things They Carried" -Sydney Derrow 2

"They were afraid of dying but they were even more afraid to show it"(O'Brien 19). It's not everyday you find out that you're getting drafted into the war. It's not everyday you find yourself in harms way. I feel O'Brien and the men he fought with were extremely afraid to show they were scared because they had to be strong for one another. For example, when you build a house of cards, if one card falls then the whole house collapses. If one guy is paranoid and scared then everyone else is going to be the same way. What I'm trying to get at is you have to be strong for the people around you. Especially in the middle of a war that you're so unfamiliar with. You grow as brothers with the men you fight with in battle. They are the people you depend on for advice, support, and strength. Dying is nothing compared to showing you're afraid to the people you're supposed to be strong for. O'Brien and his buddies are strong willed, yet naive. -Sydney Derrow

1 comment:

  1. You are completely right. In this war, you had to build a new family and depend on one another. That is the only way they could make it through the war, and that is why when one of them is weak all of them must be even stronger. That quote is so powerful because it shows how intense the situation was but how the men still were scared to death at all times. The theme of being a family will continue through the novel I am sure. -Caroline
