Friday, February 19, 2016

Brady Wood Post 4 Week 2

What makes a man? What does a man have to do to keep his profile? Why do so many breakdown in front of other men?
"I tried to swallow it back. I tried to smile, except I was crying...All I could do was cry. Quietly, not bawling, just the chest-chokes. At the rear of the boat Elroy Berdhal pretended not to notice."(O'brien 54)

A man has so many public profiles, men have to be strong physically and mentally. They are held to such a high standard and are not allowed to break. Especially at the time he was living in. Men were superior and the fight for complete equality was just about to begin. A man has to stuff away his emotions and be that center of the household. However in the real world psyche, men breakdown a lot, most of the times in front of other men because sometimes other men know the basics of the problem. Other men have also been in the same position, so its easier that way. Men can only hold in so much stress before it releases. Everyone has been through it. The narrator at this time was in one of the most stressful decisions in the world. Flee his country and shame everyone in connection to him, or go and fight a war with no purpose and possibly die. It's a lot of stress because it's  so contradicting. Also, O'brien says he wants us, the readers, to feel the stress that he was feeling that day and every time I read it, I tear up, my heart races, and I feel chills because that is how it can be.


  1. I agree with you, I think that a man is someone who honestly shows all of his emotions, when a man shows his emotions in front of someone I tho k he shows a side of himself that not to many people see. A man is naturally a leader and someone who always Tries and is afraid of showing his true self. I think when a man cries he shows a side that he cared so much about something he does not care who sees it and I think the men in this novel show there emotions, they may not show them, but I think that deep down they are too afraid to show it. When a man is vulnerable and shows his side of emotions to someone else I think he is afraid what they will think of him. They are in the army and I know the men in the novel try to keep it together, but I think not showing emotions and keeping it locked inside does something to you, so I think a man is someone who isn't afraid to show his emotions and tries to lead and always looks forward to the better outlook on life! - Danny

  2. Of course, men have to "be strong" & "independent." The war did terrible things to these men. They saw and heard things they never thought they would. When a man cries, he automatically thinks he's going to be judged. What men don't realize is if they show they're true emotions and talk about stuff then it's not as hard on them emotionally. Holding everything in is what kills them internally. Men need to stop focusing on their tough, bullet-proof ego and let their emotions a little loose. I know back then, the upbringing of men were supposed to "support" and "provide" but it's just so much easier to have your feelings out there instead of dwelling on everything. - Sydney Derrow

  3. I agree with Brady, Danny, and Sydney. Men do not have to be rocks all the time. We are all people with emotions. Emotions play a massive role in our everyday lives and become our decision makers, so we are allowed to express them whenever they need expressed. They control us sometimes, so we should be allowed to show what controls us.
    -Brice Lucas

  4. There is definitely a level in which every person thinks a man has to be strong. That is a falsified standard that men are held to every day, and this war really tested the strength of these men. They need to be released at some point especially during such a high stress situation. I definitely think that a man is someone who can show those emotions but also be strong in the face of fear. To me, being able to show that you have feelings makes a man even better than someone who puts off a false front.
    Caroline Humphrey

  5. I think that Elroy sympathized with O'Brien, because of how he seemed to know what kind of situation O'Brien was in, despite never actually asking or being told. Elroy might once have felt those same things, in an earlier war. And I agree with everyone else, holding in emotions is hard enough for normal people in normal situations, let alone being in a war.
