Friday, February 19, 2016

Brice Lucas Post 3

      Technology of this time period brings a huge disadvantage compared to technology of today. The time of this war brings many more challenges and uncertainties. The way things were conducted are very different. These soldiers were going into war blind. Their intelligence of what was going on in the place they are heading was virtually non-existent. They did not have the communication, offensive, or defensive advances we have today. This lack of knowledge of what you are going into or even what is right in front of you caused many deaths throughout the story. If the technology we have today was around back then, lives probably would have been saved. Soldiers would have received messages earlier about what was ahead, which would have allowed them to make their next move strategically and safely.
     People of this time period did not have the detailed knowledge of the world around them. O'Brien says, "Looking out toward the river, he knew for a fact that he had made a mistake setting up here" (157). He did not have the knowledge to know that they set up camp in a venerable place that would cause a death. They were less aware of things like diseases, viruses, and treatment of such things. The time period caused death and illness because the science of medicine was not as advanced as it is now. Overall, the time period hurt the characters of this story drastically. It put them at a disadvantage in these life and death situations during war time in an unfamiliar land.
-Brice Lucas


  1. I do agree with you on some levels, technology today is far more advanced and we have so much more advantages because of it; however that doesn't mean other countries are advancing as well, I think in the time of Vietnam that the technology had somewhat of help to them, but at the same time both sides didn't really have technology so that really showed who had the stronger side of support because it was pure fighting, today we have crazy things helping us in battles, but back then it truly showed who really is the stronger side, everyone had to work as a team, today the soldiers do have to work as a team, but the technology I think is making them less of a team, back then you weren't focused on technology you were focused to keep your buddies alive and to make sure you can win and everyone can live. I think technology has helped us, but I think without it everyone works as a team and I think it makes it easier on everyone and stronger as a unit!

  2. I definitely agree with you that the difference in technology between the Vietnam War and today is a huge one. The U.S. of the time had great equipment, yes, but not necessarily all that better than their opponents. They also lacked the knowledge of the terrain that the native Vietnamese had. I personally think that the difference in tech is so great, that a single modern Aircraft Carrier Group could win the war all on its own.
