Friday, February 19, 2016

Danny 4

The character I picked was Jimmy Cross. I honestly feel bad for the man because he has to lead everyone because he is a  Lieutenant  and overall he has to go through a lot of things he has to go through so much and he thinks about his love Martha all the time and I think that makes him a better person because he knows that he has to overcome obstacles in order to get to her.  But Lieutenant Jimmy Cross has to lead everyone he can't break down he always has to keep looking forward everyone in the Army has hard times but I think being a leader in the Army is even tougher because you can't break you always have to keep moving and you have to be the man in charge everyone looks to you and I think it's very hard for Jimmy Cross because he always has to be the man standing tall. I think his role in the novel is very important being a leader everyone has to look to you and I think being a leader is very hard especially in Vietnam, but I think he is a good leader he always. The man day dreams a lot which is understandable he has to get his mind off of things to keep himself in tact. I think for the rest of his life he will always blame himself when a soldier dies and that can't be on him he can't do it all, I understand day dreaming can be bad because you are not focused, but he has to think of something to make himself happy. Martha may not love him back, but I think Jimmy will eventually make his character bold and he will be a very important character overall! "Imagination is a killer" (O'Brien 11). I think this quote honestly is for Jimmy cross, day dreaming all the time is nice because it takes your mind off things, but if you are not focused one hundred percent it can kill you.-Danny 
Analyze a Charcter in your story. How are they characteized in the novel? What is their role in the story? What do you think of them? Why?


  1. Jimmy Cross is under a lot of pressure. In my opinion, if he wasn't as strong as he was, the men in his group would be in some troubles. I can understand how he's using Martha to distract himself from the hardships they deal with in Vietnam, but his job is to look out for his men and daydreaming about a woman that doesn't have much interest in him is pointless. It could get him and then men in his group seriously injured or killed if he doesn't keep his head in the war. If a man got killed under his watch, he's obviously going to be very upset. I would be upset too because that's my job to know what's going on at all times and call the shots. It just takes a toll on people knowing that someone in your care does or gets injured. Other than that, Cross is in important character in the book, in my opinion and without him, and the rest of the characters in the book would have a hard time doing the job he did. -Sydney Derrow

  2. Personally, I don't think that Jimmy Cross is actually in love with Martha. I believe that he is just using her to try to distract himself from the hardships of war, and that makes a lot of sense. I agree with Sydney when she said that he shouldn't be daydreaming about Martha and letting his men down. That being said, Jimmy is an essential character, and that is just one tiny flaw. He does a good job keeping his people safe most of the time, and I'm excited to see his character progression.
    Caroline Humphrey

  3. At first I didn't like Lt. Cross. I thought his thoughts about Martha were rather creepy and weird. However, after reading more about him, I came to understand how Martha was really just a distraction for him, something beautiful and mysterious and not Vietnam. So far, he's the only character with a point of view that's occupied a commanding position, and I think that his chapters give an insight into the effect having to command so many men can have on the human mind. -Ethan Cantrell

  4. I agree with Ethan. Martha was only something of a beautiful distraction from the harsh world that Lt. Cross was surrounded by. I believe it was his way of dealing with shock, Martha was, the gruesome atrocities of Vietnam were too much for many minds and I think that Lt. Cross found the same way out of it like all the other lovers did. They thought of the one they loved and how much better it would be with them. It was a distraction, but it was also an escape from the shock. -Brady Wood
